New work for Allan Clayton & Dunedin Consort

I’m writing a new work for tenor Allan Clayton and a string quintet from the Dunedin Consort, to be premiered at the Aldeburgh Festival on 21 June. I’ll be taking phrases from the Book of Lamentations and making a new text out of them (as I have done with texts a number of times), and perhaps sprinkling some local Sussex folklore on top.

Allan, an Artist-in-Residence at the festival, will be singing another set of Lamentations in the concert – Jan Zelenka’s set from 1772. The Dunedins will also perform Caroline Shaw’s Punctum, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, and his Orchestral Suite in B minor.

The concert will be at the beautiful Holy Trinity Church in Blythburgh, where last year my O Ecclesia, O Euchari (after Hildegard), and Hymns of Kassiana (after Kassia) were premiered by Daniel Pioro and the Marian Consort.

Concert details and tickets here.